We Have Answers
What is Ripco’s routing/transit number?
What is Ripco’s Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) number?
What information will I need for my employer if I want to set up an automatic deposit into my checking account?
Your employer will need Ripco's routing number (291580711) and your checking account number as shown below. Note: If you would like to have the deposits put directly into your savings account, you will need the routing number and your account number with your three digit suffix found on your statement.
I bookmarked the login page for online banking, but when I try to go there, I get a “Page Not Found” error. What am I doing wrong?
For security purposes, we recommend accessing online banking from the login form on the homepage. The homepage can be bookmarked, but frequent updates to the online banking login page mean that the actual login page should always be accessed via the home page link instead of directly.
Does Ripco provide tools to notify me of transactions posted to my account or loan payments due?
Yes! Ripco offers free e-alerts through It’s Me 247 online banking. You can subscribe to debit alerts for your Ripco debit card here.
What number do I call if my card is lost or stolen?
To report a lost or stolen credit card, debit card or ATM card, call 1-877-365-4800.
How can I get a copy of my Ripco Credit Card Agreement?
Click here to obtain a copy your Credit Card Agreement; call us at 1-877-365-4800; send your written request to Ripco Credit Union, Attn: Credit Card Dept., 121 Sutliff Ave, Rhinelander, WI 54501; or visit our office at 121 Sutliff Ave. Rhinelander, WI 54501.
What are Ripco’s Privacy Practices?
Where can I view Ripco’s most recent Annual Report?
When is Ripco’s next Annual Meeting?
Ripco’s next annual meeting will be held in April of 2024. More details will follow as the date approaches.