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SavingsRipco Kids Club

Earn, Learn and Have Fun!

You’re never too young to be a member of Ripco Credit Union. With our Ripco Kids Club, tomorrow’s leaders learn the good habits that will help them throughout their financial future.

Oh, and we make it fun too!

Fast Facts about the Ripco Kids Club Account

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

How it Works

Rate Information

The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change periodically. We may change the dividend rate for your account as determined by the Credit Union Board of Directors. Dividends will be compounded and credited to your account every quarter.

Minimum Balance Requirements

You must maintain your membership share and a minimum daily balance of $1.00 in your Ripco Kids Club Account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method, which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the account each day. Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day you place noncash items (for example, checks) to your account.

Children's Online Privacy Protection

Ripco Credit Union respects the privacy of children.  Ripco does not knowingly collect, maintain or use personal information from our website about children under age 13.  We do not knowingly market to children, nor do we disclose any child's personally identifiable information to any third party for marketing purposes.  If a child whom we know to be under age 13 sends personal information to us online, we will only use that information to respond directly to that child, notify parents, or seek parental consent.

Savings Calculator


Estimated Results

If you start out with $0.00 and then deposit $0 every month, with 0% interest, for 0 months, you will end up with:

Total Deposited: $0.00

Interest Earned: $0.00

Ending Balance: $0.00

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